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A Level Maths Revision

It is widely accepted that the exams for A-Level Maths are some of the hardest out of all the A-Levels. So getting your revision started out right is key to passing your exams the first time. This can be achieved by using the best, most appropriate materials that will work for you. Today we are Harrogate Tutors will be going over some of these resources to aid in your revision.

The pages A-Level maths revision created by MME are an excellent foundation in your revision. It contains multiple different resources and covered the entire A-Level curriculum. Covering it topic by topic to ensure your full understanding. Starting off with an introduction to the topic, before going in-depth. Showing step by step how to solve the problem. This will be for each topic, so will help you to fully understand the entire A-Level maths curriculum. Essential for passing your exams.

Once you have gone through and exhausted the different topics, then it will be time to move on. The A-Level maths revision site also includes different revision method resources to help supplement your revision. After going through all of the topics, now would be time to use them. By doing so you will be able to get a solid idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Showing what topic areas you need to go back and revise more. The past and predicted papers in particular will also give you the added benefit of showing you what the questions the actual exam will be like.

By using these resources, you will be laying an excellent foundation for your revision. Many would say that they don’t actually need anything but what is offered on the site. But for some their revision styles will be different. Even so, it would still be a great idea to check out what it has to offer!


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