Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Practice Tests
If you have lost your GCSE certificates, you weren’t successful at GCSE or your qualifications are from another country, Harrogate Tutors provide 1 to 1 tuition in maths and English to prepare you for your exam. Functional skills are another option for you to gain a GCSE qualification. It is important that you do practice papers, but this isn’t enough on its own to prepare for the exam.
Functional skills are a GCSE equivalent qualification which is at level 2. This exam has become extremely popular since it is required that you have GCSE maths and English or a GCSE equivalent for apprenticeships, majority of employment and all higher education courses. Our team will help choose the right functional skills course and exam for you, even if you have been looking at Edexcel or City and Guilds functional skills exam, we have the experience to help prepare you for this.
To prepare for an exam, we suggest that you complete past papers and practice tests. Both functional skills maths level 2 past papers and functional skills maths level 2 practice tests are great resources that you should use after you have revised. Our service provides the best revision materials you will need for the exam.
We will book you in for the functional skills online maths exam when you feel ready to take it. This exam will be taken at home which is more convenient and less stressful than having to travel to a testing centre to take it.